We’re an eclectic bunch.
This piece needs no introduction, just grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy getting to know our rockstar team.
1. Alyce Kelly-Kidd
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
I was discovering who I was going to be in life. Someone who will only be themselves. 14 is a hell of an age.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Padstow Heights, NSW.
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
Year 8 at Picnic Point High School. I regularly sang and played guitar, wrote my own song. Music was the only way to live. Lots of Blink 182, White Stripes and Evanescence. I had not yet discovered heavy metal. I was also standing next to my future husband in roll call!
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
I’ll be 50. I’ll have one hell of a party. I’ll still have the same friends I’ve had since late high school. And hopefully, I’m decked out in more tats by then!

2. Keith Wootton
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
My brown hair.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Newcastle, NSW.
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
I was 10 years in the Sydney AV industry. I had bought a semi in Newcastle that I was renovating (and my girlfriend Claire moved in), and then I left my job (and company car), and with $2000 left, I started my own business, jump-started and registered Claire’s old car and drove to Sydney for my first client meeting, with TEG.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Hahahaha – sailing off into the sunset! And celebrating Lewis’ 30th, Dash’s 27th and Clementine’s 24th Birthdays.

3. Federico Pancotto
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
Going to sleep at the same time I wake up these days.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Rome, Italy.
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
Uni (dropped out a couple years later), doing sound and vision at a night club on weekends to make some cash – which in hindsight was the beginning of my current career.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
I am not sure!

4. Jake Fitzgibbon
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
I saw “The Incredibles” at the movies.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Mt Annan – 1hr south west of Sydney.
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
At my parents house working out how to get myself some superpowers.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
18 years from now I want to be still doing what I love… and superpowers wouldn’t hurt.

5. Valeria Marin
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
Sleepovers with my besties.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
High School, Year 8, awkwardly hitting puberty but also never acknowledging its existence.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Travelling the world as a fabulous eccentric 50 year old silvered haired artist with friends in every continent who feed me fresh fruit and red wine.

6. Kai Raisbeck
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
Moving out of my childhood home to start my theatre degree.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Sheffield, Tasmania.
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
Exactly 18 years ago I would have been finishing year 12 on the northwest coast of Tasmania. Deciding whether to head into hospitality or theatre.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
I would like to still be making impactful experiences for people. Inspiring wonder and excitement.

7. Tom Durand
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
My scooter.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
At school.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Living my best life.

8. Kellie Harkness
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
Travelling the world unsupervised….
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
Working hard through the UK winter so that I could live out of the back of a camper van throughout the European summer.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Travelling the world….

9. Lachlan Maclaine
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
Working in hospo was fun.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
Working in hospitality, travelling the world, extremely social, starting a 13y relationship, not sleeping enough, eating poorly, working hard.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Happily retired on a country estate.

10. Nigel Mintern
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
Finishing school.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
Just finished school and on Summer Holidays about to start a Football Scholarship.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Playing golf.

11. Andrew Troedson
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Living in Japan.
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
Teaching English and enjoying living in another country for the first time.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Enjoying retirement and living near a beach!

12. Luke Fosbury
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
I was an aspiring musician with an audio-visual business on the side.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Sutton Coldfield, UK.
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
Performing at gigs, putting on gigs and sound engineering.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Picking up my $50m inheritance from a long lost relative.

13. Kealan Coleman
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
Living in Ireland with my new romance, fiance Wendy, becoming a Christian, and doing odd jobs like delivering wine hampers at Christmas time to corporate companies! No kids, no dogs, no money!
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Deansgrange, an affluent suburb of Dublin in Ireland, living in my recently deceased grandparents house.
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
One year gap in Ireland, having just been backpacking around the world, planning to get married the following year!
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Bungee jumping…??? and Recording an album!

14. Linda Starke
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
I could remember things.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
I was working for Viecore – an American consulting and software systems integration firm delivering solutions to the finance and telecoms sector – we built internet banking sites and worked on voice recognition systems. I was studying for a diploma in Creative Visual Arts at that time too.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?

15. Steve Brlekovic
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
Getting old.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
I was managing Hookes Creek Resort, in Barrington Tops, NSW.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?

16. Janet Kalotheos
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
My two little girls only 2 & 4 years old.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
I started working on a casual basis for AV1.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Living on a Greek Island.

17. Dylan Batterham
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
I was in year 12, completing my TEE at Scotch College.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Perth, WA.
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
Just trying to survive year 12, looking forward to schoolies!
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
To have AV1 Melbourne as big as AV1 Sydney is now.

18. Melisa Hodzic
What’s one thing you remember about 18 years ago?
Starting primary school, not too much else haha.
Where were you 18 years ago, geographically?
Where were you 18 years ago, personally?
I was starting my soccer career with Maroubra United, graduating to Year 1, and riding BMX in my free time.
What would you like to be doing 18 years from now?
Sipping a mimosa on my acres of land by the coast and living day to day how I please 🙂