Let’s face it. Event planners are picky! That’s why they’re so great at what they do.
So when it comes to choosing a gift for them, it can be hard to know where to start.
To save you the pressure of selecting the perfect gift, we did the hard yards and have put together this handy gift guide just in time for Christmas.
The event planner in your life is guaranteed to love any one of these. And if you’re that event planner, simply forward this on to your bestie/hubby/missus/work-wife with a wink wink nudge nudge and voila! Your job is done.

GlamCorner Premium Membership
Event planners will be attending lots of events throughout next year. That’s a lot of outfits. Gift a GlamCorner membership, giving them access to designer brands, delivered to their door each month so they can feel great wearing a fresh look each time without the hassle. Dry cleaning and care is all taken care of.
GlamCorner provides a smarter and more sustainable alternative to fashion consumption that is better for our community and our environment.

Pilates Classes
All the stressful hours that go into running events can make for a flustered and exhausted event planner. Gift them a session or two of Pilates to unwind and relax after a hard year, whilst providing a high-intensity workout at the same time.
KX Pilates has studio locations all around Australia.

Koala Mattress
Ok, this might sound a bit risky – buying someone a mattress. But hey, why not?! Event planners need a good night’s sleep! And they certainly aren’t the type to have time to wander around showrooms trying out beds, nor waiting all day for a delivery guy to show up.
Koala has become one of the most popular mattresses in Australia and for good reason. Aside from contributing to the restful slumber of its customers, it also utilises sustainably sourced materials and an ethical supply chain.

Did you know our crew can hit north of 20,000 steps on an event set upa lone? That’s 16 kilometres! And often our clients are right there with us. Gift a smartwatch that will track those steps, offering up little beeps of encouragement and support.
With all that running around, it’s handy to have your phone on your wrist at all times so as not to miss an important call, deadline… or an urgent message from the group WhatsApp chat about Friday drinks.

Aesop Travel Departure Kit
Travelling event planners love to arrive at their destination feeling fresh-faced and ready for a big few days. And we expect there to be a whole lot of travel on the cards next year. Gift a travel-sized kit of Aesop products to take with them on their next flight so they arrive hydrated, moisturised and smelling beauty-licious.

Gift a goat!
We guarantee every event planner wants a goat for Christmas. That is, a goat donated to those living in poverty through a program like Oxfam Unwrapped.
You choose from a range of gifts like food, clean water and other life-changing essentials, each comes with a cheeky personalised card, and your gift will help transform the lives of people living in poverty.
So there you have it. A foolproof guide of lovable gifts for any event planner. Have a suggestion to add? Let us know here.