This post first appeared in micenet Magazine. Check out the full feature here.
We’re not biased. Promise. But if you’re searching for a world-class technical production partner, you’ve got to look past the smoke and mirrors.
As a leader in the field, Keith Wootton was asked to share his thoughts on what event organisers should look for in a production partner.
Here are his top 5 tips…
A computer hire company won’t do audio for 800 pax very well. A concert lighting company isn’t the right fit for your high-end boardroom presentation.
Each technical production partner occupies a specialised space. When you find a good one, stick with them. Relationships are key, especially when you need something fast!
Leave it to us
Time and again, production specialists are being asked for lists of equipment rather than being brought in (early) to talk about the idea, the message, the situation and the desired outcome.
You don’t advise the hotel chef on how many veggies to put on each plate, do you? Same rule applies for AV production. Let your specialist use their knowledge and experience to design a great solution.
Be your own EP
Many corporate customers have excellent creative ideas – they like to be their own executive producer.
An in-house event manager teaming up with the marketing or HR team can collaborate with a well-resourced technical production specialist to produce an excellent event with all stakeholders achieving their own outcomes.
Tech for tech’s sake
While a cool gadget might be novel, it’s not always necessary. So too tonnes of sound, lighting and vision – totally cool for the people working on the event but unnecessary for the poignant message by the key presenter, whose presentation just needs to be intimate, warm and engaging.
A true master of technical production can achieve a lot with very little.
Bring it
Consider P!nk and The Book of Mormon – highly engaging, entertaining and memorable. You are charged with making that kind of memory for your one hour keynote session. Keyword? Rehearsals. And before you say “my budget won’t allow for rehearsals”… Yes, you’ll need to book more venue time.
The only way that presentations will evolve into world-class inspiring experiences, is to up the ante. World-class technical production providers don’t show up with a truck full of black boxes on the day and hope for the best. They produce content, apply stagecraft and arrange venue rehearsals as part of their production process.
All in pursuit of excellence.